I first saw Earthrise in the form of micromasters, which I am not real focused on. They were at my Littleton south Target. but I stopped at two more Targets that day, and Edgewater's Target bore Strange Fruit...Cheddar-Orange and black as night. I "Grappled" with the decision, but bought him.
And then... Bone Dry. The Micromasters, and then not even them. For about a week.
And then Optimus Prime, and Wheeljack
Wheeljack gives me a G1 Vibe, but also a serious wrecker TF-Prime Wheeljack flavor, so he needed swords. and probably Grenades. He carries off some serious articulation, too.
These past two years have held a wealth of G1 style Optimus Prime, From Siege to the BB Movie Prime, but this may be the best. Trailer/battlestation,
Conparison with Siege OP from the back- His rifle folds for storage
opening hands...
Shield comes off the door of the trailer
Even the matrix of leadership-removable