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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sentimental Sundays: The World Still Needs Heroes...

     The year was 1993. I collected Comics at (I think) a mile-high comics offshoot at Buckingham square. The store, the mall itself are only three-dimensional now in my memory. Buckingham Square got razed and made into a different type of mall and all of it's odd little bits of charm are gone.

     In June of 1993, Marvel under Editor-In-Chief Tom DeFalco, launched a book called Thunderstrike; I loved this book. Here was a hero who was a regular guy, with regular guy problems- An Ex-Wife, a son, not a scientific genius, not possessed of mary-suesque levels of hero skill... kind of a Klutz, really. He was learning to be a hero- the Every-man Avenger, and I was hooked.

     I had the full run until Sam and I had to move from west Denver to Lakewood. The move was hurried, and things got lost in packing, and other things were left behind.

     Written on the characters mace was the legend "the world still needs heroes". Today, my daughter is that hero. We were talking about that comic and she surprised me with a box in the mail containing the full run of the series. She's my hero because she brought another of my heroes back.

     She's a hero to a lot of folks, and a lot of Cats, too. Her personal crusade is to socialize feral cats and get them adoptable and more snuggle-ready and less people-shreddy. Her Blog is called Dark Dragon Musings. and as I am to my birds, she is to her cats and dogs.

     As a side-note to Thunderstrike, despite the fact that Marvel appears to have kind of washed their hands of him September 1995....twenty years later, one on the Marvel Infinite 2015 waves featured him in my preferred 3.75 scale.

Hell Yes the world needs heroes


  1. Wow,she Is a hero indeed!I wasn't reading comics at that point,did he ever gain powers at some point?I'm assuming he acquired Thor's abilities once he grabbed hold of the hammer.

  2. a somewhat lesser version of Thors abilities with some changes

  3. Buckingham Square was the bomb. Comic store was right below the theater, across from Wags, and near Bresslers, right? Got my first Road Warrior bumper sticker there.

    1. right on the money. I think a guy named Mark ran it.
