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Thursday, August 15, 2019

Thoysday: Orthia

     Originally called Elita Infin1te, the final form of the Elita 1 combiner is the Five Female Autobots

  • Elita 1

  • Moonracer

  • Novastar or Firestar

  • Greenlight

  • Lancer

     But where did the name come from? Orthia appears to come from Artemis Orthia, an aspect of the Greek goddess of the hunt. 

Artemis, like most Greek deities, had epithets (monikers that identified her with a specific power or role). However, the epithet of Orthia isn't found anywhere else in Greece but Sparta (and perhaps the Spartan vassal-city of Messene). So, what's up with this?

It seems that Orthia was a local goddess originally worshipped only in Sparta. Orthia was a goddess of nature and hunting, as well as fertility, childbirth, and vegetation. It is likely that worship of this uniquely Spartan deity fused with worship of the more widely celebrated Artemis, and the two melded into one: Artemis Orthia, or the Artemis with the powers and roles of Orthia. There are actually many instances of this happening throughout Greece where local deities merged with more popular ones.

Elita-Infin1te refers to any random combination that has Elita One as its torso, whereas Orthia is a combination of Elita with four very specific female Autobots) 

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