I'm excluding Black Friday stuff, because that is supposed to be a good deal. Sorry, Jetwing Optimus.
I have to go with my car, and one of my swords as the greatest deals.
To set the stage, the year is late 2006, it's cold a few days after a snowstorm. the streets are mostly dry, with a few icy patches left over. Sam and I are on our way to Colorado Mills mall. A light goes red, we stop, and the teen driver going the opposite way hits a patch of ice, takes out the traffic signal and set me on a search for a new car with a new flinch when cars come at me from certain angles and a small insurance settlement.
Cue to a couple of months later- I find an ad on Craigslist for a '93 civic, 120k miles on it.
This was a "some things not as advertised". It was a '94 civic, had been salvaged after a collision and rebuilt with the front end of a '97 civic. It was posted as $1800- the owner actually wanted $2800. I Paid $1800 cash and had money to register it and get plates. He doesn't look quite like that any more, there's a few more miles on him, some scuffs, and new tail lights, but he's still on the road and reliable. I call him "the Hybrid" due to his unusual mix of years.
Scene 2- I'm a little bored, I'm at a pawn shop. I'm a connoisseur of Pawn Shop swords, particularly after scrimping and saving for an impressive looking Katana to find it was pot metal, covered with flaking chrome. Usually what you see is decorative junk, but upon occasion you find the rare gem. On this day I found a Cold Steel Katana- a model from 2002- in excellent condition- New, these retailed for about $300 at the time- $371 now through Cold Steel's web shop- this one was priced at $60, and I couldn't pass it by.
It has good weight, good balance and heft, and Cold Steel is the company that has videos of punching their knives through a car door and then cleanly slicing a tomato afterwards- serious steel, my friends, serious steel indeed
Here is the art of the deal from some fellow leaguers
- Green Plastic Squirt Gun struck it big at a garage sale-
- Toy Break cleaned up on clearance GI Joes
- Alexis' Universe went Goodwill hunting for Dino Riders and values her cat most of all
- G.I. Jigsaw got a Chewie deal and shows a vintage Penney's wish-book- I think I remember that one.
- The Toy Box gives us his Topps deal from his fertile imagination
- The Nerd Nook's deal has the POWER
- Another F Blog scored rare for ...about $.29???
- 20 Years Before 2000 broke Hastings Department store